help unable to make xbox game back ups

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by fiery, May 7, 2005.

  1. fiery

    fiery Member

    May 7, 2005
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    I have read the help on back ups but still to no avail. I have everything you would need to make one so when i connect using ftp i get a connection i then go toput a disk in and my xbox just automatically loads the game therfore giving me no chance of reaDING THE DISK can anyone offer any help before i pull out whats left of my hair
  2. Bob63

    Bob63 Guest

    What is god's name are you talking about buddy?
  3. Curtis-P

    Curtis-P Member

    May 4, 2004
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    I am just learning this as I go along too. I may be able to help you. Here's how I backup my game. I Turn on my Xbox and proceed to select my DVD2XBOX program under my programs in my Dashbaord. once there I am prompted to select COPY DVD TO HDD. once that is done, I place the game in tray and load it. this allows my Xbox to know not to load up my game right away. under DVD2XBOX there are options that allow you to transfer the files to your computer. I have not tried them yet so you have learn that on your own. Hope this helps. oh and I am describing this as if you modded your Xbox and have the DVD2XBOX program installed. If not you may need to install that on your box. the Link at the top of this forum gives info on all that information I believe.
  4. fiery

    fiery Member

    May 7, 2005
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    Thanks for your help i have now sussed it all i had to do was change the setup not to load games when a disk was put in now having lots of fun backing up my xbox games so i can put them out of reach from the kids sticky fingers

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