Help upgrading my rig

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by john_, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. john_

    john_ Member

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Hey guys! I've been thinking of upgrading my PC for this christmas but I need some advice regarding some issues.

    My current system rig:

    Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 2.4Ghz
    Asus P5B Deluxe
    4x1Gb 667 RAM Kingston
    Nvidia 9800GTX
    Creative Sound Blaster Fatal1ty
    LG W2452V 24" Monitor
    Windows XP

    I've been thinking about changing to a quad-core system, such as Q6600, Q8200 or Q9400 but I'm not really sure if it makes such a big difference, or maybe I should get a new core 2 duo such as the T7500? Then depending on the micro I'll need to get a proper motherboard, any good one you would recommend? I'm not really going for the best of the best since I'm not planning to spend too much money, I just want to upgrade it to keep on playing the latest games at highest settings for one more year since my rig is 2 yr old by now. I don't think I should update my video card.

    By the way, I might update my RAM. Current one is 1Gb 667 Kingston, is there a big difference with a 800? I'm currently using XP but I own a copy of Vista and I might install both so when gaming I could take advantage of the full 4Gb RAM support and DX10.

    So as you can see I know little and I'd really appreciate if you could give me some advice. Again, I don't want the best, I just want to spend around 400€ (510$, I live in Spain) or so upgrading, and it's just for gaming.

    Thanks a lot and take care!

  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The 9800GTX is probably sufficient if you don't use absolute maximum graphic details, and don't really care for Crysis, but in the top titles out there when you turn all the eye candy on, a 24" monitor is quite demanding for a card like that.

    The T7500 is a laptop CPU, it won't work with your system, nor will it be faster than your E6600. If you go for a CPU upgrade, your best option is probably one of these:

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