Can someone help me find a way to get the "percentage" of battery life thats left onto the battery icon of a 5G ipod? For example, is there anyway I can get it to look like this... Up in the corner of the iPod window, where the battery icon is, there is a percentage of battery left, is there any way I can get that or does anyone have some bitmap images that i can download and transfer onto my iPod by using the iPod wizard? Your help is greatly appreciated Waymon
you might want to just stick with the battery picture, screwing around with it could be bad, esepcially if you don't know what you're doing. whoever did that obviously has a lot of time on his/her hands and knows what they're doing. but, there is a way to show numbers. it gives you a better estimate on when the battery is getting too low. 1.) connect ipod to computer 2.) go to my computer, and then select your ipod. 3.) click on the folder entitled iPod Control, then click the folder Device. 4.) create a new text file there, and title it _show_lightning 5.) don't type anything in the actual document. 6.) disconnect your ipod and check it
Nonsense, it's a five minute job. And it is very easy to do if one reads my newbie iPodWizard guide. Ok, I have the set of bitmap images you need, Waymon3X6. Have a look here.. jazo, in 'my computer', click 'tools' ==> 'folder options', Then hit the 'view' tab, and check the box that says 'show hidden files & folders'. The hidden folder that is iPod_Control will now show. (This is the folder that contains your music & videos).
I did it both ways (_show_lightning, and _show_lightening)and neither one worked. Is there something else I have to do other than what ACDC_3101 posted?
Jazo, if you read my post above, I have already linked to a group of bitmap images that you can import using iPW..
Lethal-- Will this give me the Percentage feature and that's it or other features as well? -edit-(posted same in Modding Thread) I did the one that's supposed to give you the percentage on the battery and it's all screwed up. The percentage isn't there, and none of the things such as the windows logos are there either. It looks like it just place random objects in random places almost. I don't know why. I restored it and everything (I chose to restore it rather than use iHack) and still, nothing. I even tried iHack and that kept it the same. Any suggestions?
Jazo - each firmware has a different number of bitmap images in the index.. You have to make sure the theme packs you download are for the firmware version you are running, i.e contain the same number of bitmaps as there are in the index.
Let's keep all iPW questions in my modding thread, as there's no point in running two simultaneous threads on similar topics. Thanks. [bold][/bold]