Hi, i just sold a v1.6 xbox, its got a mod chip, and stock hard drive They have a hard drive that they would like to use in it. I am wondering if you could provided me with some easy instructions on how to replace the stock one, with the new one? They do not have a desktop computer, just a laptop. thanks, Mike
use can use an app called chimp to do it without a desktop: http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/xbox-tutorials-260.html or if you can borrow a desktop: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/533828
we were able to do it using a slayer cd, it took a while but it does work now, however if he trys to boot up to the MS dash he gets an error, i dont think he locked the drive.
Modchipped Xboxs do not need a desktop. Simply replace the HDD, insert Slayers, rebuild HDD 'Retail' and you're away!