I have just successfully done a soft mod on my xbox. I have also run the aid 3 installer to load up XBMC. What i was wanting to know is there a way to memove application that were loaded up when i acccidently pressed install all apps. I just dont want to mess up the machine. Is it possible to to restore the xbox to the state it was just in after installin the soft mod. If have also had difficulty in installing emulators as i like to playe MAME and SNES games. I have played all the emus on my PC with my son and want to transfer the to the xbox. As it is just now im going through to many cds and dvds as it it and would like to know what im doing actually
You can easily remove or add in Apps as you wish Do you know how to FTP into your xbox? If not, there are tut's at the top of this page. Once you can FTP in all you have to do is navigate onto your xbox harddrive via the ftp program into location E/apps/ and delete whatever programs you do not want As for the emulators, you can install them from the AID disk, and once you can ftp in you need to go to E/emulators/ different list of emu's will show here/ then look for the roms folder and chuck your roms in there