Basically i accidentally deleted a windows system file. I couldnt start windows so i installed windows xp home again but didnt deleted or format the first installation is there anyway to recover my files on the first installation, if so how. or can i repair the first installation. The file i deleted was in the windows file-system32-config-software.LOG in the C Disk. i tryed to coy the file back onto the harddisk through the windows rrepair utility, but i am unfimilur with DOS commands
Is there a way to recover the old files? No. Is there a way to repair the previous installation? No. Both are gone once you decided to do a new installation. A repair installation, or if you had System Restore active..maybe. You might consider backing up what you can, format the drive and start again fresh. If the repair console allows you to copy to the hard drive, here is the basic command: copy (x\ (x\windows\system32\folder\folder Replace x with the drive letter. For ex: If I wanted to copy the file ntoskrnl.exe from the CD drive to the hard drive, for me it would be: copy f:\ntoskrnl.exe c:\windows\system32