I have a Pentium 3 n am wonderin how much Ram it can hold cuz my friend is tellin me 2 get a new motherboard however im wonderin how many 512rams i can install in it 2 make it quicker n which video card is the best 4 it also wantin 2 make it much quicker plz help?
It all depends on what OS you are running, whether or not it will make your computer run faster. If you have ME or Windows 98, adding more RAM will actually make it run slower, if I remember correctly. If you have XP or 2000, it will run faster with more RAM.
i dont think thats right, it wont run slower with more ram, the type of OS your running is not going to slow the system down if you add ram, and if it does ill be shocked!! the amount of ram you can take is dictated by your motherboard as flip218 says, you can find out from the manufacturer how much ram you can fit in and what type of ram you need, ddr, sd ram etc
Your motherboard will dictate how much RAM it can take, but it won't dictate how much RAM the OS will use. See ddp's post. And, if you do a google, you will probably find old posts, etc. stating that more than 512MB will actually choke 98 and ME.