i can not get these disks to read in my dvd drive. they did for a few of the disk but some of them will not read i'm using anydvd and clone dvd2 can anyone help me i would love to backup my disk before i let my kids get to them thanks
i have not tried DVDFab Decrypter and the disk look good mabe just a few scraces but not bad i had one that was realy bad but had no proble doing it. i will try the DVDFab Decrypter and see if it help do i need anything else to back it up or just that
Havent backedup a dvd in a while so i think thats all you need, maybe have anydvd running in the backround, but im not sure if its needed. Good Luck
try this with the new anydvd 6004 backing up northern exposure download 6004 here http://static.slysoft.com/SetupAnyDVD.exe main site once installed a fox icon will be on ye task-bar right click on the fox and select rip video to hard drive..then direct clonedvd to rip and burn.. New: Added "AnyDVD Ripper". This little tool repairs defective DVDs while copying them to your harddisk. It can be started from the menu of the AnyDVD fox icon. It can be started as a stand alone application from the start menu as well, so it can be used even if AnyDVD is not registered and the trial period has expired. It is identical to FixVTS (http://www.videohelp.com/~FixVTS/) but instead of fixing problems "in place" it copies the files to your harddisk directly from the source DVD. It fixes the problems while the files are copied.
ok i'm trying now and all it is doing is the light on the dvd drive is blinking busey and the computer is ackting like it is doing saomething but nothing is happing i here this disk and it sounds like a clicking noise and DVDFab Decrypter just gave me a message .....get dvd information fail. 4096
how bad is that disk? does the disk look like a mirror or looks like it was in a battle....if so it can not be backed up.. if ye have two dvd drives try it in the other one..
ok i have tried to rip with anydvd before and it is doing the same thing sometimgs i can get it to read but then others i can't it will say it there and the somethings it wont and the somethimgs when i try to copy it it will just sit there and do nothing and eather say there is nothing there or read error help please.. so far it is just with these disks
these disk look like a mirror and yes they play just fine in the dvd player great i only have this one drive
can anyone help me with this i have tried diferent things including copydvdgold and i got it to go to the hd but then when i tried to burn it i got ios to big will take some time continue or noti say yes and it goese throught the prosses and with in a seconed it said done but it burned nothing this is driving nme nuts can anyone helpsomethings the disks will read and then just stop but somethimes i get luckey and get them to the hd but i have no clue what to do next help please
i will try to but what do i need to play them .. i tryed to copy the ios file but i could not do it. and when i use anydvd to rip to the hd it takes over 2 hrs to do and it just stops on me ..so i guess if i use the copydvdgold to rip to the hd but i need something to play it and then how do i get it to a disk??
just play it with media player classic by double clicking on the .vob's and hitting play with media player classic (unless you have powerDvd or something) and then see if it plays, if it does you can then burn it. "how do i get it to a disk??" Just burn it