im havent trouble shrinking a dvd ,seems the original dvd is too big to shrink,it exceeded the level 10 level of shrinking and still too big to fit into a dvd.i also tried using dvd decrypter wih no such luck unless im doing something wrong,i just downloaded decrypter...i know as a last resort i could just use dvd2avi to extract them re do the project to a new dvd to fit into 2 dvds..any ideas?thanks in advance
(1) It's too big for Shrink even with not-needed audio files (e.g. in a language you'll never need) removed? (2) If that's really the case, you can still use Shrink, just have it shrink twice -- e.g., choose "custom" and then shrink it down to, say, 75%. You might get a message telling you the shrunk file will be too big to burn -- this is correct, but do it anyway. Then shrink THOSE files down until they fit. (When I've done this, I've created two folders, "shrink1" and "shrink2," just so I don't get confused during the process. ) Since you're shrinking twice, and since the amount of compression you end up with will be in the 40-50% range, you should have Shrink do a deep analysis both times so the ending quality will still be good. Be warned that this will take a long time, but it WILL work and the quality will still be something worth watching!
thanks for the help...yet still confused with the other part u saying about shrinking the files down to fit into the dvd.ive always wondered how u do that,i know the first part of extracting the files from the shrink to a folder and u end up with vob etc files ,after ive done that,how i shrink them files down to fit into the dvd?do i have to use a specific prgm or?please help,thanks for the help
Sorry for the confusion. After you shrink the first round, all the files (.vob etc.) are in a folder (as I said, I call it "shrink1"). When you open Shrink for the next go-round, you now want to now OPEN FILES instead of opening a disc. So click on OPEN FILES up at the top, then browse to your shrink1 folder. Click OK and you'll see Shrink go through its quick analysis (the one that takes just a minute or two) -- this SHOULD tell you that it's able to fit the files it's going to shrink on one DVD-R (or DVD+R of course). The rest of the procedure is exactly the same as if you were using a disc -- i.e., tell it to backup, tell it to use the deep analysis if you want (as I said I would HIGHLY recommend this), tell it to put the files in a new folder (e.g., "shrink2"), and go. THOSE shrunk files SHOULD fit on one DVD.
it also sounds like you are using a very old version of dvd shrink ("exceeded the level 10"). get the newest version before you go any further.
thanks karen and 6109 took me a while to get it toconvert,but eventually it worked!the original dvd was slightly bigger but not much over ,im hoping it can work on other dvds that are slightly larger in file,im gonna test it out tonite and see what luck i have.apreciate the help. one more question if currently using TMPEnc to conver to files taken from dvd2avi. a separate audio and video..can anyone help me with the right settings for the video ..on the section called "advanced" which icons do i clik to get a good quality video where its not blurry.heres the options listed,should i clik on most,or some or which ones? source range inverse telecine (convert to 24 fs ghost reduction noise reduction sharpen image simple color corection custom color corection deinterlace (none) clip frame 3.2 clip frame do not frame rate conversion which ones listed above should i clik on to get the best duplication as just as close to the original dvd source...thanks
Karen2003 Great communications skills and I've experienced that resizing problem before with Shrink and resolved it in much the same way. Good advice too. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)[/small]
Thanks, Sophocles. I'm a college prof and so get LOTS of practice trying to make things clear!!! Carlitoss, sorry I can't help you further but I've never used TMPEnc or DVD2AVI. If no one replies you might want to post your question on that as a new thread. Good luck!