im trying to back up my games pro evolution soccer 4 and tiger woods 2004 but dont know whee to start i have at moment nero 5.5 ive backuoed my ps2 games before but that was at least a year and half ago and i used nero to do so what programmes do i need and what do i do sorry to be a pest any input welcomend
Hello labajue, I found a thread you can check out, and have quoted geestar20's reply, your question is very similar. "You need A-Ray Scanner v2.0.2.0 to determine the copy protection in the game. You also need a program that can beat the copy protection to be able to make a backup. Alcohol 120% (my fav) BlindWrite Version: 5.2.9 Clonecd" You may also want to check out this guide for a little extra help as well, it's located in the guides section here at AD (the guides here are well worth the time spent to read) Good luck!
i downloaded alcohol120 and a ray i copied the cd but the game wont load the game i tied was tiger woods 2004 it starts but then just freezes at the start screen what am i doing wrong the game copied with sucsess what are the options i gotta pick in alcohol120 as i think this is where prob is
Try enabling 'BAD Sectors Emulation' under emulation options >>> extra emulation. If I remember correctly TW04 is Safedisc 2.9. Also select Ignore Media Type.