Hey guys, i have a Maxtor 6Y080L0 DVD Recorder and when i burn DVDs or anything it always takes so damn long to burn, it takes a couple hours, most of the time i just leave it on while i sleep it takes soo long. I am using Nero to burn. Anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks =pepsimaxx=
Can you post a nero log. Cut out the serial # on the top of the log,which looks something like: 1A13-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Here's how you get to it: c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log My first guess without looking at the log would be your direct memory access controllers-DMA for short- are in Pio mode. This will lead to very slow burning. If you have windows xp: Go into device manager:IDE ATA/Apapi controllers: Double click on the primary,you may have 2 primaries. Double click the top one and click advanced setting- It should say UDMA/DMA/or if available. Do the same with the other primary and secondary controllers. If any of them say Pio mode,click uninstall drivers and reboot. If more than 1 channel is stuck in pio mode,uninstall and reboot 1 channel at a time.
HAHA!!! 1A20-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx* and i will try what you said, thanks saugmon! ill get back to a and see if it worked. =pepsimaxx=
wait, but if i do this.. will i need the drivers, im not sure if i have them. cause i think my secondary is stuck in Pio ill send a snapshot. =pepsimaxx=
LOL pespimaxx! I meant post the nero burn log,but leave out the serial number that you just posted. Somebody can steal it. Go to that post where you pasted in 1A20-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/use the pencil/eraser icon on the top right corner of that post to edit it out. That pic has you in pio mode. That is no good. Even worse if you have several controllers in pio mode. If you have windows xp,then uninstall 1 controller at a time/reboot. Windows should automatically hook them back to UDMA or DMA mode after booting up. Just click driver tab/uninstall. Windows NT may? ME may not,just as well as windows 98.
[bold]cdipheral : HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8526B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: Off[/bold] You maxtor dma is on,so you're ok there. That controller with the CD-rw drive is still in pio mode. [bold Physical memory : 223MB (228848kB) Free physical memory: 54MB (56032kB) Memory in use : 75 %[/bold] This will definitely slow down the encoding. If you could throw another 256 mb stick of ram in it it'll help you. Also shutdown all background programs during the dvd backup process. [bold]Recorder: NU DVDRW DDW-082, Media type: DVD-R Disc Manufacturer: - Disc Application Code: 64, Disc Physical Code: 193 [/bold] This sounds fishy. It should list the mid code for your blank media.According to this message,nothing is recognized to burn. What is the brand name and speed rate of those blank discs? You've got way too many logs in there. I looked at the top 2 or 3. [bold]Recorder: <NU DVDRW DDW-082> Version: B373 - HA 1 TA 1 -[/bold] I'm not sure about this burner.You may want to google to see if there is a newer firmware update. B373 is the firmware version. You're also using an older version of nero- Keep that in mind. Some say to update to the latest 6.6.?.?,but I have no trouble with the older versions. I'm away from my main pc for a few hours. That's where I got all my links at. I'd look at your blank media and firmware update to start with. You may also uninstall nero/use nero leantool6/and re-load it again. Sometimes nero can get flaky. An uninstall and running cleantool 6 removes all remnants of nero off your pc. When you download it again,make sure you leave out the INCD packets.That can also screw you up.
thanks saugmon!! im not using great media...it actually sucks...i think its the worst it can get. lol....im not doing anything too special with it tho. its some cheap Hypermedia crap..but ill check out that cd-rw drive. and the speed of disks is 4x =pepsimaxx=
Khypermedia? UGGH! I wouldn't even use that stuff in my Khypermedia +8x drive,LOL Try Office Max. They have verbatim 16x on sale: 50 pk for $15 Or try Office Depot and look for sony +1x-8x,same 50 pk for $15 Step up to the quality media. Is this total backup process time or actual burn time? Let me know what your process is: Rip with ?/ Compress with ?/and burn with nero. You doing Full disc or Main Movie only?
its not Khypermedia, its Hypermedia think its some cheap canadaian brand lol. and its total backup time, like i use DVD Decrypter to extract i dont compress i put files together in Nero. then it analyzes it or sumthing then it burns, the burning doesnt take so long its the other part. and the main movie only. and would it work if i made an ISO of the disk with Decrypter then burned with Decryper would it work?? thanks =pepsimaxx=
It should be khypermedia.My first dvd-rw drive I got with a new computer has one of their drives.It's an ok drive.I use it for ripping and playing my dvds. You said nero? Is it nero recode2? There's many variations of nero. I just got recode2 and haven't messed around with it yet. Dvd decrypter is a ripper and has a burn engine. It will not compress original dvd-9 backups onto single layer dvd-5 blanks. Dvd decrypter has 2 main modes that I use and the size of the dvd determines which way is quicker/easier: 1)File mode: This is for those larger dvd-9s and they must be compressed to fit onto dvd-5 blanks. You'll need a compressing program like dvd shrink. Dvd shrink is free. Shrink can also rip as well,and use burn engines from nero/dvd decrypter/and copytodvd to autoburn. Rip to harddrive in file mode of dvd decrypter/open up dvd shrink/open files/locate that movie on your harddrive/backup entire disc or re-author for main movie only/double check backup options/click ok. This is an extra step,ripping with dvd decrypter. You can rip with dvd shrink/entire disc or re-author/double check backup options+settings/click ok. You just have to have your burner selected as the burn target,along with burn with nero. That's a very good combination.If you have dual drives,you can set it and forget it. 2) Mode ISO: This mode is for non compressed backups.This is a 1:1 copy for dvd-9 to blank dual layer media or dvd-5 to blank single layer media. It's a great way to make copies of your already backed up movies and the only way I do my Dual layer backups-very effective and nero does have trouble with dl backups. Open up dvd decrypter/Mode/ISO read/backup to harddrive/Mode ISO write/locate those mds files-there will be an iso and mds files/open/and burn. Very easy 1 program for backing up movies that don't need compressed. Did you get your dma's turned on?
DMAs turned on :S i thought you said they were already on.:S:S..cause well its still burning slow. but i changed the Pio in that pic to Dma...but its still slow. i dont think its normal. could it be cause i have low RAM? =pepsimaxx=
Your ram is low,and you're using 75% of it according to your burn log. An extra quarter gb or higher would help. How fast is your processor? That can also contribute to the speed factor. Are you using nero recode2? What are you backing up? Original dvds or some other files to dvd?
no i dont think im using recode2. im not sure how fast my processor and i will prolly be getting more RAM soon, =pepsimaxx=