Hello. I purchased a DVD X Maker. I went to start a new project and I added a .AVI file. It said that it was not a DVD Format and it couldn't be converted. It also said that the audio is N/A or missing. These movies are the only reason I bought this program. Please help me!
sean2790, your AVI file can be run through Nero Vision express - If not that, AVI using TMPGEnc to MPEG then TMPGEnc DVD Author to your VOB's and you'll be ready to burn to disc - cheers, Pete
Thanks Pete. I do have Nero, but I can't seem to find the Nero Vision Express. Where can I find it? Thanks..
Oh. I downloaded it. Sorry, and I had the serial with the Suite so used that. I need to know how to run an AVI through this program. Anyone? Thanks....
What did Pete mean when he said "run through Nero?" Did he mean that I can burn the AVIs on the Nero or that I can make the makes burnable on the DVD X Maker? Thanks. I would like to know how to burn it on the DVD X Maker.
sean2790 , What I think Scuba Pete meant was to run the .avi file through NVE. In other words take the raw file and make it mpeg2-DVD Compliant so you can make the movie. He also gave you excellent programs to use that will make the .avi file compliant. X-Maker is real finiky about the .avi files it likes. The X-Maker program was given to me and after playing w/ it I found out it was not worth the $ the company wanted for the program. So I continue to use Adobe Premiere to import the .avi file and then export to Premiere's mpeg encoder ( which is Main Concept). I then take the encoded file and burn it using NVE. Now the programs I am using are not cheap so you might want to look at Scuba Pete's suggestions.
Thanks guys. I've got the whole line of the new Adobe Products, so I'll give Premier a try. I only use Photoshop and ImageReady.