a friend of mine asked me to help him with his email. He needs to send like 1 email to 145 people. after I said yes. I rembered he use a mac. I am a windows guy. I think you add all the email addresses to the address bar. but how do I save all the addresses to 1 string. incase I have to do this again. I hope you understand. Thanks for the help
Windows uses a ; to separate addresses...not sure if Mac would do the same, but I would imagine so. Just copy and paste into a text editor and save for future use.
If he has all the contacts saved in his adress book and he is using Mail as his Mail Client then all he needs to do is.. 1- Open Mail 2- Click 'New' 3- Under the Compose Mail Box click 'Address Book' 4- And select all of his contacts... It is that easy!