Help with laptop multi-monitor setup

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Repoman89, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Repoman89

    Repoman89 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    Hi everyone, I have a Compaq presario 1500 laptop with a mobility radeon 7500 video card. The laptop display's resolution is 1024x768, and won't display anything other than that correctly. I also have a 19in LCD native res 1280x1024. I want to have a "clone" multi monitor setup, so I can use the LCD when the laptop's plugged in and then carry the laptop around without messing up the settings.

    Anyway, before, I had a 19in CRT that I would run at 1024x768 with the laptop. It used to work fine, but I got this LCD and changed to 1280x1024, and the laptop screen would just scroll when the mouse went to the side, only displaying 1024x768 at a time. I tried to update the drivers, thinking that if I did, I could get them at different resos. Well, in short, it didn't work, I'm now running Microsoft radeon mobility 7500 drivers with the LCD in 1280x1024 and the laptop display is a garbled mess.

    In my display properties, there are 2 monitors shown, both "(multiple monitors) on radeon mobility 7500". The first one is the only one that changes anything though. there are only 3 settings, 8x6, 10x7, 12x10. The second one has all the resolutions, but I change them and nothing happens. And when I click identify, both monitors say "1" (I can see a long white line through the laptops garbles mess). Also if I change the second "multi monitors" settings it reverts back and does nothing when I click apply.

    So what I need is both monitors displaying the same thing, the laptop at 1024x768 and the LCD at 1280x1024, both 60hz. This is starting to piss me off, I'm about to just forget about the "mobileness" of the laptop and leave it closed, garbled, and always plugged in and I'll use the LCD. So if anyone has a solution, it'd be great.

    By the way, even at 1024x768, the laptop display is still f**ked up.

    Whoever solves this is god
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2005
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    go into safe mode & default the settings to 800x640 or uninstall both monitors than restart windows
  3. Repoman89

    Repoman89 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    uninstalled both monitors, rebooted and they're both back, defaulted to 1280x1024 with garbled laptop display. Booted into safe mode and both monitors display 800x600 correctly, couldn't change the resolution. Restarted and it's back to 1280x1024.

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