I bought a Case that takes ATX motherboards, but will a mini atx one work with it too? If it will, will the plugs correspond with the holes for them in the back? Thanks to anyone who replys
mini atx will fit regular atx case. the mounting backing has multiple holes for different layouts of motherboards
thank you for the quick reply. now I can buy my motherboard without wondering if I will have to return it or not (at least for that reason ).
oh yeah, and how important is the FSB of a motherboard? I have a choice of getting 1000mhz or 2000mhz. I'm getting a socket 939 one for my 3200 athlon 64. would it make a big difference to get a 2000 mhz one? Oh yeah, and the FSB of my athlon is 1600mhz
Agree with DDP; in this case (pardon the pun), more is better. Go with the 2000 MHz FSB ..... what mobo/make/model are you getting by the way???
One of the 2000 mhz ones I was talking about is the "BIOSTAR NF4ST-A9 Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail" @ Newegg for $82. It has a NVIDIA nForce4 chipset. (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813138248) The other is a "MSI RX480M2-IL Radeon Xpress 200 939p All-in-one PCIe16x" from shoppyramid.com for $93.55. I think I will buy this one because I have heard good things about MSI and it has two onboard firewire ports. (http://www.shoppyramid.com/pyramidsys/details.asp?item=MS04RS480M2-IL) Opinions on which one I should get?