help with program

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by tiny, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. tiny

    tiny Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    i want to download a xvid TS movie but after i download it it will not play on my dvd player it is a philp 642 and should play almost any file what program do i need to play these movies?
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Sometimes I have problems playing some Xvid files on my Philips 642 DVD player. It really depends on what codec was used to create the Xvid/DivX file. Not all codecs will work with the Philips 642.

    When this happens (vary rarly does it happen) I will use nero vision express and choose to make a VCD CD and import the file into Nero Vision.

    I then choose to Export the file (click Export at the bottom of nero vision after importing the Xvid file) Do not click next and create a VCD(SVCD) disc. Choose to EXPORT the file.

    This will convert the file from Xvid to an MPEG file which is then playable on the Philips 642 DVD player.

    It will take around 10 to 15 minutes to convert it to a playable MPEG file.

    I have also used WinAVI to do this. It just converts the Xvid file into an Xvid file that will play on the DVD player. (it usses a diffrent codec that is compatible with the Philips 642)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2006
  3. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    you could use vso convertxtodvd it does a good job and you can put it on a dvd and it will play in any dvd player

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