Help with Radeon 6550m

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by dizzlekru, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. dizzlekru

    dizzlekru Member

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Well I just recently purchased an Acer laptop and I fresh installed it right away because of all the bloatware. I got all the drivers I needed off the Acer and AMD websites. My question is my driver for the GPU is for the 5600/5700 series. It is running pretty good. I thought maybe it was just the driver made for this because I have read the GPU’s are relatively the same(5550/6550). So I went into the driver details and updated the driver and it updated to the 6550m. The thing is with the 5600/5700 driver I could get my display to 1600x900(the laptop is 17.3 in). With the 6550 driver I could not. The highest I could go was 1400xsomething.

    So I guess I have a few questions but I just want to know for one if running the 5600/5700 is bad(because I just rolled it back).

    And which driver is better. I don’t play any of the games on a 1600x900 display but I do like it as my regular display. Would it make my games run better with the 6550m drivers?

    Any help would be great.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    put the driver back to 5600/5700 series.

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