I have been soft modding for a while and have not really had any problems i could not fix but recently i have gotten new equipment and what not, and nothing seems to be working. I have just a couple questions for some of the advanced modders out there. any help would be very awesome! First: I cannot lock my 120 gig maxtor hdd. I have checked to see if it is lockable in the usual places and it is, but it seems as if i am one of the few people with a desktop that doesnt allow locking. I have a compaq desktop so can anyone tell me what to do to it to stop it from disabeling the locking tools? I do have a brand new laptop is there an ide cable that would connect a larger desktop hdd to the laptops smaller connection? or some other method? Second: I cannot seem to get my xbox to connect to my laptop via ethernet so i can ftp some things, any suggestions would be great!
For your first problem...the easiest way to rectify is use a chip. I'm assuming you're trying to lock it with xboxhdm...if so, not all PC's are compaticle with it. There is no list of what is and isn't but it seems people find out the way that you have if their PC can hack it. Your second issue. If you're doing a direct connection between the two...you will first need a crossover cable. A regular stright ethernet cable will not work. Secondly, ensure that you XBOX and laptop's LAN connection have a static IPaddress assigned to them.