Hello, Im new to modding, softmodding but I think i got most of the simple stuff down except for this. I Softmodded my xbox with the tutorial off this site, I have UnleashX and I recently downloaded Surreal64. I poked around looking for a tut for using Surreal64 on my xbox but I coulnt find any, I found a few, but they were just questions being answered for different posters. I tried to piece the diff post together to get this to work before asking. Im able to load up the emulator but only the default.xbe, but it wont detect any roms and the 1964.xbe, pj64.xbe, UltraHLE.xbe, when ever I select those it just takes me back to the UnleashX Dashboard. I changed the Surreal.ini directory to where I have the roms (I only have three roms at the moment, Goldeneye 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Mischief Makers). I got the roms from justroms.com and the file names are 7z, does that have anything to do with why it wont detect any roms or what am I doing wrong?. Any help would be great, Thanks in advance.
okay so i dont know for sure what your problem is but try this keep surreal64 in the emulators directory(if you used an auto installer that would have been created then put the roms into the surreal folder under the roms folder then boot up surreal and the list should appear of all of your roms cheers
Never mind I just found that I had to extract the 64 games using 7-Zip, I didnt know that, I got them working now. Thanks