We got this box 3 years ago and within the last month everything is gone except for maybe 5-6 cannels, it has happened a few of my friends also. Im in Limerick and receive our channels through our chorus box, we have the box t in the sitting room. Are chorus stopping this? Any solutions? Thanks..
Have a read through the thread http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f..._mmds_area_s_gone_n3_premium_channels-854287/
Cheers man, i read somewhere that if you plug cable from box directly into tv you will get 20 channels, thats if your on cable which i am.Is this true? thanks
Yesy this is true. You will receive the analogue signal when plugged directly into tv and scan the channels in. You mentioned in your first post you have the box t there?? But you say your on cable?? That doesn't make any sense mate.
he is prob on Box t but its feed thru the ground no aerial on his roof so even if he plugs the cable into the tv it wont work