Help with Windows Folder Options for seeing Images

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mgk, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. mgk

    mgk Member

    May 30, 2007
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    Hi there,

    A few months back something happened with one of my folders ( a corrupt file? ... can't remember excatly, sorry) and i ending up changing one of the Folder settings. Whatever i did solved my problem with the offending file, but i also have a side effect. Somehow since then dont know what i pressed or clicked but now i can't see my pictures/images from thumbnail view when i open any folder. I actually have to click it twice to see the image. Normally nothing wrong with that, and i am not being lazy but i have thousands of images, and backups for my websites and this is a real pain. A lot of my images are very similar therefore i could have about 30 images just about the moon, so its important to me i can view them without the need for clicking each one until i get to my desired image eventually.

    I have tried for many days to solve this, i go into Folder Options and View, play around with the settings but i just cannot get to see my images on display unless i click them. I even changed to Default Settings and this didnt make any difference. I want to be able to open a folder and see the images on display in thumbnail view (like i had previously) without having to click each one to see if its the one i was after.

    I was thinking about 'system restore' but am reluctant in case i ressurrect my previous problems.

    Any help or advice appreciated.

    I have Windows XP Home by the way.
  2. mgk

    mgk Member

    May 30, 2007
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    Just an update; as i hadnt mentioned this previously,

    ..... i can see all of my images in their respective folders when i open windows, but when i open any given folder, i cannot see the actual image apart from the standard windows thumbnail. This is the same for all images outside of the folder, even if i was to double click on the thumbnail the images wont open ... the only way i can see my images is if i right click and edit/preview in paint ...

    Edit: Okay problem fixed, after many hours of scouring and searching various sites and forums. Hope this helps anyone else with similar problems.

    I have quoted the exact instruction which solved my issue, hope i dont have to go through that again.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008

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