Hi Evey1 i just got xboxmedia center and installed it. i gues it works well. i got my xlink kai working but i cant seem to get the weather thing to work. ive looked at the manuals and downloaded some 4 xbox media center but i still have a problem.it wont display the weather. and also wat is the workgroup attchment and how do i get emulators, pictures ,games ,and ,videos under there directories?Also i heard that u can use the media center as a program to access ur computer files and send files back and 4th.how do i do these.call me a noob i dont care but can someone help?
Well For the weather, you need the specific weather codes, Google wheather codes or something like that
you will need to create and network on your computer..... start-control panel-network internet connections-create home network
guys i did wat u said to do i set up a network reset my pc and i stil cant access web stuff from the media center . How do i get this working like everyone else?
did you turn on windows internet sharing here is a tutorial http://www.xtreme-source.com/showthread.php?t=879
ok my connection is through the lan thing and when i click properties,advanced there is only a thing that says windows firewall . ur share interenet connection thing isnt there. im on windows xp home edition if that helps........
from what i have read as long as you have a network created on your computer it should,give access to all devices.....because i use my xbox and computer to share files and stream files as well and as long as you have a network on your computer you should be able to do that....turn off your windows firewall...
what i mean to ask is, in the xboxmediacenter under network settings,go i type i my computers ip adress or what do i do?
not neccessarily, it might not give all access if you hava another firewall, its true windows firewall is a pain in the a** but still if you do not have another firewall I highly recommend you don't turn it off.
when i said ip adress i meant the smbclient/wins server.my network is set to this:Assingment Manual [static] ip adress netmask default gateway dns server enacble http proxy yes http proxy host blank http proxy port 8080 enable internet lookups yes enable rss feeds yes Under the servers tab enable ftp server yes ftp user name xbox enable fatx limiter yes enable web server OFF under the auto detectiom xbox auto detectiom yes nick name scamino1