how do i switch my dash do evox (evolution x) from unix (unleash x) can i just ftp the files if so can some one tell me where to get the latest version of evox and if you can a tutorial on where to put the files once i get them help would be appreaciated
my guess would probably be to follow the softmod tut in my sig' and select EvoX when you get to it...
im pretty sure, but to be on the safe side just check it out... what are trainers any way? oh yeah it comes with the progrma to copy games to the hard drive and it comes with a program that can play ALL region DVDs....
trainers are like to go 3rd person in halo 2 but ya what i ment br is my friend seid u could just copy the evox dash files thru ftp and replace the unix ones that are there and when u restart ur xbox u will have unix cu i dont have the game anymore that i used to soft mod or is there a way i can run sid without the game?