Ive burned my avi's & mpeg's to disk using nero 7. also,ive converted them into the vob files using convertodvd and burned them.... each time i done both methods the picture is playing distorted and on one movie the sound is very distorted.. what am i doing wrong.. plsss help
Conversion seems to always present some problems. What brand, speed, and type (+ or -) of media are you using? At what speed did you burn? What is the brand and model of your burner? Did you play the AVIs on your computer? Did they play correctly? I assume the program you used was VSO's ConvertXtoDVD. Is that correct? Did you try burning with DVD Decrypter or ImgBurn instead of Nero? Post the last section of your Nero History Log that begins: ==== Nero Burning ROM Nero History ===== followed by the program serial number. The path is Program Files -> Ahead -> Nero -> NeroHistory Be sure to delete your serial number and name before posting. There are lots of other conversion programs. Sometimes just changing programs helps.
ConvertXToDVD is a great program which leads me to believe that it's the source of the AVI files that is the problem. Like Laddyboy said: this is the most important question because it leads to I don't think it's the programing that was used...... it's the source avi's that is causing the problem. Something about those files are causing your problems with convertion to DVD format! Look to the source. Of course, Laddyboy made valid points.... what brand, disk type, and speed of the disk, along with speed burned, and your burner's name and model # to see if your firmware is up to date are all important. but your problem stems from the source files.... you know.... garbage in... garbage out!