hey i need some help i installed the soft mod onto my x box but i just need to know what to do next i have downloaded flash fxp and all that but when i try to connect to my xbox it says connection failed??? i am using a wireless internet connection and my x box is pluged directly into the router.... i am totally new to this and need help bad.... and also i am using evolution x how do i put halo 2 onto my harddrive???
YOu need to find out your Xbox's IP address in the settings. Then make sure its port = 21 And user name and password = xbox and connect. Then use dvd2xbox for halo 2 on your hard drive. but delete the campaign maps cause everything else won't fit if you keep them. Or you can ftp halo 2 to your computer. then to your e:/games folder
what is dvd2xbox??? i have no clue bout this stuff and do i have to have a dvd burning rom??? cuz i have a plain cdr not dvdr
DVD2Xbox is a program that sometimes installs on your Xbox when you install Evox dashboard. It just copies Xbox games to your hard drive. But I suggest ftping the game to your computer then back to your Xbox into the F:/Games folder