ok so i got my maps from my xbox, the mappack, on my comp and mod them, then i put the back on my xbox, they work good. what i want to know is how to get the first maps, before the mappack and stuff, like lockout and ascesion onto my comp and back onto my xbox.
You need a modded dashboard. Once you got that you put the disk in while on the dashboard and FTP to your Xbox. Then in the D:/ drive I believe is the disk in the Xbox drive. Then there is a maps folder in there and you mod them just the same as the new maps. Except you need Halo 2 on your hard drive to be able to overwrite the original maps.
Or you can go through the motions of copying the disc, but before you make the iso, mod the maps, make the iso and play them on the disc. There is also another way, but much harder. You would have to flash your firmware, create a raw dump, and burn it to a disc. Then you'll be able to play that disc on live...but you would be banned within a matter of hours.
.... wow im a noob.... how do i get halo 2 on my hard drive. my xbox hard drive or my pc hard drive??
To get it on PC you can use Craxtion; tutorial here: www.se7ensins.com/forums/game-backups-ftp-etc-xbox-tutorials/84-burning-backing-up-xbox-games.html Or you can also use Qwix; tutorial here: http://www.xtreme-source.com/showthread.php?t=1336 Those tutorials show how to burn it. I would follow them up to the point that you have to make the ISO. When you get that file, navigate to the maps on your PC hdd, modify the maps by either modding them yourself, or applying a ppf patch. Applying ppf patch: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/beginners-tutorials/294-how-use-ppf.html Modding H2 yourself: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/beginners-tutorials/24-modding-halo-2-beginners-pics.html Once you've modified them, finish the rest of the tutorial; make the ISO and burn it. If you are looking to play the game on live...no can do...impossible this way. It won't fit on one disc, so follow the craxtion tutorial and it will tell you what files to delete and still be able to play it on the Xbox. ----------- Putting on your Xbox hdd. All you need is DVD2XBOX app, put it in and it just do the on screen instructions. I don't recommend doing this if you have a stock hdd for if you have a lot of things on your hdd, putting h2 will probably screw it up...I don't recommend it.
Yeah... just connect to your xbox from your computer with Flash FXP, then overwrite the original maps on your HDD with the modded maps.