
Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Burnhell, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. Burnhell

    Burnhell Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    help me im new at copying games can any 1 tell me how to.

    ps if som 1 can tell me how to do it or send me the porgrams

    i would like to no how to copy xbox games and how to burn them Secondly i would like to no how to burn a downloaded game
  2. elucas001

    elucas001 Guest

    Hello and good evening. It may do you good to read some of the tutorials on this site as many questions you have may have already been answered. To copy games read this tutorial Or if you still have any questions give this link a try. Now to burn a game take a look at this This pretty much sums burning games up and with the other two links I think you will come to understand how to copy games. Later......
  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    2 things
    1. do not double post questions as it is against the forum rules, as well as really annoying when you have to read the same thing over again.
    2. check the bold sticky threads at the top of the Xbox DVD Backup forums and i am sure you will find everything you need.
    But be prepared to learn because it is not as easy a process as PS2
    And know you have to have a modded Xbox to do any of this or play any back ups you make.

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