OKay i have just installed an X3 modchip and i have been wanting to put bios and get another dash on my xbox and well now i can't even get the ftp to work so i need help really badly!
can u elaborate a little does the FTP not work after going through the tutorial on the top? and correct me if i am wrong someone but to FTP dont u have to already have to have a 3rd party dash already installed???
Well, I think I really have two problems. The first is finding a bios to download. After I have intalled my chip and external switch, everything lights up....but the Xbox acts normally. The second problem is attempting to FTP to the Xbox via a cross over cable. I might need to play around with this more, but I have not been able to connect. It may have something to do with the lack of a dashboard...but I am not really sure what this is and why it is needed. Thanks again for your help.