I have a Pioneer DVR-109, that doesn't seem to want to "see" blank DVD-R's. I've checked to see if it sees +rs , and it does. Does the manufacturer of the mediamade a whole lot of difference? What I'm trying to use is a stack of "Dynex" DVD-Rs, and I've had nothing but problems with them since I got them... I'm asking because when I first got them, there were a few that the burner did actually see, and burned quite nicely. Now all I get from it, is "Incompatible Media"... And it's getting mighty frustrating. I hope you can help me with this. And, thanks in advance.
Dynex is crap. Check out pioneer's website and see if you need to update your firmware. Get better media though. TY's if u can Verbatims. Sony/Maxell which say Made In Japan on them. But def stay away from Dynex, Memorex and the like. Check out this site for listing of good/bad media: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
Thanks Uno... I had a feeling that it was them, cause I've been keeping up on firmware upgrades. And that didn't seem to be working for me... I guess I can give them to someone that CAN use them... There're a couple of people I know that might take them off my hands, that have tried them in their systems and they worked just fine. Thanks again.
Couple of good progs that'll tell u who manufactured blank media. Both do the same thing. Get one or both. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/inspector/inspector.php or http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/
U probably already know this but burn at a decent speed, usually half the rated top speed of the blanks and keep your target size to 4400mb max.