n e 1 tell me wot i am doin wrong,,when i burn an .iso file it doesnt play in my dvd player,but plays in my pc,,n e help greatfully appreciated
most likely cause is your dvd player dont like the type of disks you have or the movie isnt dvd compliant,which is unlikely,with it being an iso is the iso made up of vobs?
open it,there are lots of programs that enable you to see whats inside tbh,it must have vobs in it,cause i never seen a "film" iso that hasnt,but someone may say otherwise i use isobuster or ultraiso anyways,have you tried any other disks?,maybe a dvd+r type disk that has been booktyped to dvd-rom also if you can,try it on another dvd player,maybe a game console if you have one
What type of files are in the ISO file? Almost any ZIP program can open it. If you created it, you should know what you put into it. What program did you use to burn the image file? What type of media? What was the burning speed?