Here's a question that's been asked a thousand times already!

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Altn8r, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. Altn8r

    Altn8r Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    Hiya peeps - I have a Wharfdale DVD player and an excellent bargain it was. Now, my query is this: I have my dvd hooked upto an receiver via optical and my dvds play in glorious DTS/DD5.1 HOWEVER, whenever I burn a CD of MP3s or VCD (using Nero) the audio only plays direct through my television and not through the optical out/digital receiver. I understand that SCART deals with both audio and visual, but y then do my DVDz play through optical out yet these home made CDs dont? I apologise in advance if this is a newbie question, but then, I am a newbie afterall! Thanks in advance for your help guys :)
  2. wonderboy

    wonderboy Guest

    for one thing you posted in the wrong forum ...second I think it may be a dvd player problem you might have a option on your dvdplayer that can choose what your output will be if not you may need to hook up the dvd player regularly....instead of optical..
  3. jnihil

    jnihil Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 23, 2001
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    (Message moved to the correct forum)

    Agree with wonderboy. Probably something in your dvd player setup.
  4. Altn8r

    Altn8r Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    I've gone back into the setup of the DVD and have changed the audio out from "bitstream" to "digital pcm" and with regards to VCDs I now have surround sound through the digital receiver.(Woo Hoo!) However, when playing a CD of MP3s, the audio is still resorting to playing through the television and not the receiver.(**Sniff Sniff**) Also, I can't see any other useful settings in the DVD setup menu. It is a budget model which has served me well and it's clearly MP3 compatible but am damned if I can find out how to change the audio to come through the receiver instead of the television. Any further bright ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks peeps :eek:)

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