I wasn't sure EXACTLY what to put in the title to be descriptive, so I put one of the symptoms that this thing is having...OKAY. So let's run through it. I'm adding music to my ipod, yada, yada, and my little cousin was pulling on the wire. I stupidly told her it doesn't come off like that, you have to pinch the sides. So I laughed while she was struggling for a good half a minute taking it off, but she finally did. My first reaction was "****!" I think at that point I turned the iPod off? When I tried to turn it on it was in this 'eternal apple' stage as I like to call it. The iPod just would NOT turn it. It would just stay on the start up screen for EVER. It was stuck/frozen that way. If I pressed select+menu it would just restart that way. Soon I'm getting low battery messages. I plug it in to charge while I go search some more online as to what the problem could be. Someone with similar problems seemed to plug the iPod into the USB, so the slect+previous option, and go through some procedures on their computer. When I try this though. I guess my computer doesn't recognize my iPod, or vice verca. iTunes doesn't even open when I plug my iPod in. So I did that 'disk' option on the diagnostics screen (on my iPod) and my screen was buzzing and 'initializing' and loading some 'autoplay' for what seemed like forever, until I got an error message. I am just at a loss and I have no idea what to do. I will gladly send in my iPod for repairs but I'd truly rather save the 30-or-so shipping costs... Maybe there's a solution?! Thank you in advanced!!!
Ok, try setting your iPod into diagnostics mode and mounting it again. Forget the autoplay, open up the iPod updater. You will get a small window pop up. Click 'restore'. This will restore your iPod to factory settings. If not, you could try formatting it manually in windows, but try the first suggestion to begin with.
thankyou for the reply. it's really the first i've gotten in any forums! okay the thing is, when I try to mount my iPod my updater/restore window just FREEZES and it will not unfreeze. I've attempted maybe 10 times on my computer and like 4/5 times on my sister's. It just will NOT work. I think I'm ready for the second option cause I have nothing else I can do! can you help me and explain how I'd manually do it? thanks so much.
Ok, to format your iPod, locate it in 'My Computer', then right click on it, and scroll along the dropdown menu until you reach 'format'. Simple. Post back if you get stuck.
thank you SO much, I'm going to do it right now. If you've got any messengers such as AIM or MSN post your username or email and maybe I'll get to you there? thanks again! *crosses fingers*
Check my profile page (by clicking on my nick). Then click on the link in my profile if you would like my help only