Here's what I want to do I do it?

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by dvdauthor, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. dvdauthor

    dvdauthor Guest

    I have to make a dvd resume for a job I may get very soon, but I want to use a dvd I have already made, as well as including my information in a seperate section - but I want to include a new menu that comes on first - where you can either select to either A - see my information or B - see my work. I want the "see my work" section to include the full DVD (including the menu that I already made). So, basically, how do I add a menu to an already authored dvd. I have DVD Shrink, and I have created my project with Pinnacle Studio 8. Any suggestions? I tried doing a forum search, but I had no idea what key words to use...haha.
  2. dvdauthor

    dvdauthor Guest

    Update: Ok, I figured out how to get my video off of the dvd - but I just want to keep the original menu...

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