nero vision express and divxtodvd wont even open a iso file. the only way i know to do it is to burn image to cd or dvd first, depending on the size of the file. u can use nero for both cds and dvds. i usually use imageburn for dvds though. after that i import to nero vision express and process. when it ask if u want to continue in pal select no and it will convert to ntsc and burn. i know this seems like a real pain in the a**, but its the only way i know to do it. maybe somone knows a way to do it with recode but i dont.
Download ISOBuster from the link below and extract the VIDEO_TS/AUDIO_TS folders from ISO. Once the folders get extracted use Nero vision express and make a DVD-Video and import all the movie VOB files into it. At the bottem of the Nero Vision window there is a button named (more). Click on that then click on Video Options and make sure you have NTSC selected as video mode. After that is set up just keep clicking next and folow the directions nero gives. You will loose the DVD Menu doing it this way. But I dont know of any program that will let you keep the DVD menu when converting fom PAL to NTSC. But if you want a Menu you can create one in Nero Vision Express for the converted DVD.
It only takes a few minutes to extract the files from the ISO using ISOBuster. That to me is the easy way of doing it. Others might do it another way but I have never heard of WinRAR being able to extract files from an ISO.
i got dvd shrink and backed up the dvd as region free but it still didnt play on my dvd player anybody know why...also it seems like ifo edit didnt work for me...when i was going to burn with nero it said there was a error with the files and wouldnt burn. seems like nero vision way is the only way it will work but takes three god damn hours on my pc.
First off your right if you have WinRAR isntalled you can right click and extract the ISO with it. Thankd for the heads up. As to making a DVD region free that isnt changing wether the DVD is PAL or NTSC. It is just taking out the region codes so you can play the DVD on any DVD player without the region code bloking the DVD from playing. If your DVD player is not PAL compatible you will have to convert the DVD from PAL to NTSC. Yes Nero Vision will take a while to convert a DVD from PAL to NTSC. Any program will take a while to encode it to another format.
nero vision express will do it...but what about running video pulldown? I don't know if you can do that on vobs or isos...but if it's .mpv you can...pulldown will change the fps so you can go from pal to ntsc
If you use IFOEdit to change the IFO's with the patch method, you have to change all of the IFO's. Also make sure you check all the lines within the IFO and any that says PAL change to NTSC. It does work, I've used this method countless times.
yes pulldown is a program that takes at pal (25fps) and converts it to ntsc (29.97fps).... a few guides: .mpv def. - I would recomend trying the ifoedit method...since you have a iso or you could get .vobs files if you extract with isobuster then use nero vision express check out this forum after doing what is said run dgpulldown......a lot of steps compared to ifoedit or vision express though, but which ever one works works
does pull down work with the menu also...if not can you tell me a program that can make dvd menus... i searched google and didnt get a clear cut answer on if you can make them outside of a specific program and put them on a dvd.
no....only on the movie itself and the on the extras (got to run it seperatly) so that sucks (if i'm wrong someone correct me) it's a lot of steps...but once you do that you can author your movie with dvdlab (i think there is a free trial) or your choosing of a dvd auther program and make your own menus,(i recommend dvdlab, make motion menues, motion transitions,etc.)....but that is a lot of steps if you can;t get any of the other methods mentioned to work for you then give it a try....pulldown was the only other way i could think of that wasn't mentioned....before you auther/burn your movie though run your video and audio file through media player classic to make sure it's in audio sync.
@CruzDavid Glad to see you got it working. You must have missed one line before. If any lines are missed, using the patch method, the DVD will report errors. It's easy to use and works, that's what counts!