Hey how's it going bud? In the near future I would like to get new drives. Both a writer and just a straight reader. I know Lite-on is popular etc... I was wondering however, if you were to make a choice, what "exact" writer and reader (CD? Or Dvd?) would you choose? You seem to really know your stuff, not to mention all the times you have really helped me out already...and so I thought I would run that^^ question by you. Thanks alot.
He reccommended the LiteON LTR-52246S to me. Here are the full technical specs and test results: http://www.cdfreaks.com/document.php3?Doc=99
X (factor) If it were me, I would buy a Litey LTD 163 dvd-rom. if you can't get that model then get the Litey LTD 165/166 model(s). As far as a burner, definatly the Litey LTR 52x or MemorexMAX52 (rebagged Litey). Just remember that what we can backup today, we "might" not be able to backup tomorrow. You'll have excellent drives for audio with blazin' fast dae and great accuracy too! Litey DVD-Roms rip dvd's at about 11-12x as well. Shoey
Awesome, thanks once again Shoey. On a further and somewhat unrelated note... Unreal 2: The Awakening = A total bitch to backup!! >_< Using the usual methods for SecuROM and whatnot, I managed to do an install and actually loaded it "once", but after that...pfffttt, nothing. Oh well, I got a little sick of making coasters for that game for the time being, but perhaps I'll try again later on.
What cd protection is on the pc games? If they or one of them is SecuROM 4.8.x, I can provide a link to download bwa files Shoey
Well, I actually think "both" discs have protection on them. (There is two btw) But I'm not sure. When I tried it with Clonyxxl it asked if it was installed, and since it wasn't I said "no" and then it didn't come up with anything at all, which I found strange. Also, I forgot to check to again after I had installed with the backup disks...but I'm fairly sure its the latest SecuROM? ~_^
OH, I almost forgot Shoey. On yet again, a somewhat unrelated note, I used your "alternative SecuROM method" (with twin peaks and clone cd, etc) to make a successful backup of WarCraft III. Worked really nice actually. Only thing was, I downloaded the .bwa file, since I can't seem to make too great of ones on my own. (Although I managed to make a decent one for Master Of Orion 3, go figure ) At any rate, that is another reason I am looking at new CD drives...since mine don't make very good .bwa's.
X (factor), Good to hear you backed up WarCraft III using CloneCD/TwinPeak Tool. Just remember this isn't my method, lol. My first attempt at backing up UT2003 was a failure as my bwa file didn't work either. I tried again and read at 1x with My LiteON LTD 165 and "2nd time around was a charm" (hehe). I used the same bwa file for the CloneCD/TwinPeak method and I was succesful on the first try (yipee). If it were me, I would put my order in for the LiteON LTD 163 (1st choice), or LiteON LTD 165/166 (2nd& 3rd choice). Shoey
YES. That was the bwa file created by ViRuS2K (CD-Freaks)I downloaded that helped me backup WarCraft III. My first attempt with my LiteON LTD 165 failed reading at 1x (blah). Shoey
And I wouldn't doubt it future firmware updates will aloow the LiteON LTR 52x to defeat Cactus Data Shield v1.00 If you go to the link where CD Freaks did their hardware test, notice a firmware update for the LiteON LTR 48x to defeat some audio cd protection. Shoey
Did ViRuS2k have to do anything special to get the perfect BWA? Also (now talking about LiteON firmware) I like the way that firmware can be changed to upgrade the ability to break new protections. The other good thing about LiteON firmware is that it is easily interchangable so if you flash the drive incorrectly you can always download another firmware that will work in your drive.