i been having problems with my lg gsa-4167b to it takes me forever to make a dvd something like 17 hours i running windows xp and have 437 mhz and 252 of ram any help would be good thanx
17 hrs? What are you backing up? Is that total process time? Burn time? Encoding time? 437 mhz processor and 256 mbs of ram is very limited. A lot of things to consider: Size of the dvd you are ripping? Transfering of files Keeping entire disc or re-author for main movie only? Compression-major contributor. Using quality enhancements? DMA's may be set in pio mode? Spyware/malware Multi-tasking Dvd backup programs. Registry errors Double check your primary and secondary IDE controllers.Here's a guide: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/dvdguide005.html Get them set to DMA,UDMA, or either of those and adding If available.If they say pio mode,then nogood. They must be in dma/udma or available. Now you'll have to re-think your backup process. Compression takes longer. Taking dvd-9's to dvd-5 slows it down. Extra quality enhancements magnefy that backup process time.Reduce the compression,and you'll speed up your process. Speed it up: Do main movie only,necessary sound stream,and eliminate everything else.Dvd-9 to dvd-5 requires extra programs,compared to dvd-9 to dvd-9 or dvd-5 to dvd-5. If you're transferring jpeg/avi/mpeg/etc files to DVD,then that'll add up the transfer time. Your pc has very limited resources. Do you have enough free harddrive space?
17 hr+ total process time? Ouch How are you backing them up? Programs/reauthoring/etc? Here's a few terms: Dvd-9: These are the larger original movies.They have a lot of bonus features/different angles/directors commentary/extra languages.Majority of original dvds are dvd-9s.These will even have extra main movies-one may be wide screen and the other is full screen. Dvd-9 Blanks- These are dual layers. Run about $2 a piece.They'll say 8.5 gbs on them. Dvd-5: These in originals are single layer,usually low budget flicks like Napoleon dynamite/BTK killer-which just came out last week. Dvd-5 Blanks: These are avg single layer. They'll say 4.7 gbs on them. There's different ways to back these up,and the size of the original and size of the blank. Dvd-9 to dvd-5 would be compressing/squeezing data to fit a regular blank dvd. Now Dvd-9 to Dvd-9 and Dvd-5 to Dvd-5 is a 1:1 copy. No compression,so theres other ways to do these. No compression=Faster process time. brentlly: With those limited specs on your pc,that compression will kill you on the overall time.If you throw in quality enhancements,they'll really slow you down. I've got a 598 mhz celeron/256 mbs of rimm/xp home/and an extra 30 gb hd on my oldest pc. It was a very good burning pc,until my gb put Yahoo messenger on it and now it takes me 10 mins just to do the quick analyzation. It'll now take forever to backup a dvd-9 to dvd-5 using my usual dvd shrink and nero to autoburn. But,that pc using dvd decrypter for 1:1 copies of low budget flicks and re-copying my backups: It'll do backups under 20 mins. It's actually faster than doing the same identical way on my other 2 pcs with a 3000+/3400+ athlon processors/1 gb ram/and over 300+ gbs of hd. Clean out that pc,get rid of anything you can.Messenger programs/spyware/unnecessary programs/etc. Not knowing what programs you got and how you are using them,try this: If price of media is not a priority,use dual layer media and a program called dvd decrypter.Use Mode ISO read to harddrive.Mode ISO write/locate those mds files/open/and burn. Great program for those smaller dvd-5s onto dvd-5 blanks or Dvd-9s to Dual layer media. $2 a piece when they are on sale. Using single layer media: Keep compression down. Re-author for main movie only. Cut out all unnecessary sound streams/directors commentary/beginning and ending credits. I don't know if upgrading your processor/ram/and maybe even harddrive would be cost beneficial. Look at deals going on this week: Staple's: their Athlon 3200+ sempron/100 gigs harddrive/dvd combo drive/17" monitor/512 mbs ramm/printer-all for $299 after rebate. Then you could throw in your burner and have a pretty decent and faster dvd burning machine. I'd throw in another half gb ram-$40 after rebate-on sale. Add another harddrive-$50 after rebate-on sale They'll have cheap and under powered powersupplies and cheap modems.
what i mean is i download a movie and it takes me 17 hours to uncode it with super dvd creator if there is another program to do it faster would be a big help but i have my doudts lol
Uncode it? Is that pulling off the encryption or file conversion? It depends what you are downloading: Ripping straight from original dvd or are you trying to transfer files into the correct format for blank dvds? We'll have to know the actual format of the files you are transfering. Example: Jpeg/Mpeg/Avi/etc. I know very little of transfering them to dvd,but I know they are time consuming.They start out at around 700 mbs or so and after converting-they'll be about 4+ gbs or so. Lots of other programs that may be able to do it quicker,but you're still looking at hours for the file conversion.