I am new to this sort of thing......basically i am looking for new CD called more2dafloor vol 3 by rossi b and luca and it's from the new sidewinder 10 uk garage pack... If someone knos where i can find this it will be very much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Thanks for the help but i already know that link....i'm looking for more2dafloor vol 3 though which is a new one (been in shops a few weeks) As for amazon wont you have to pay for it on there? Havent quite got the hang of this bittorrent stuff yet I'm a massive uk garage fan but cant find anything on torrent sites,every other genre but not garage..
doesn't look like you're gonna find the stuff free. if you can't find it on a regular p2p network (like limewire), on bittorent, on IRC, or in the collection of a friend, then you'll just have to pay for it if you want the album that badly.
Yeah i know im tight as a ducks arse.lol problem is though i dont want the cd pack just that 1 cd and it will cost me 20 quid.....think i will email them personally and see if they will send me one for £5 or something