im shawn...i just wanted your 18 years still in high school...becuase in my past life...i never took high school really seriously never...and i got left back..and kicked out....for cutting all my classes too much...and now i go 2 night school..i take night classes in high school..i wanna become a doctor..and im not so sure of what to do...and how will take 2 years for me 2 get out of high school....but i dont know..if i can become a doctor with all the bad high school past i have...bad grades...ill graduate but...when im 20 ill graduate high school...from night school...i dont know if i can go 2 straight to a 4 year college...but a community college i guess....and from there i dont know what to do....and i want some advice from you.....thnxx..
well, this isn't really a good forum to come to for this type of stuff, but... *should* be able to go straight to a four-year school, you just have to prove yourself. work hard and do *very* well on the ACT/SAT testing, and you'll be accepted nearly anywhere. take as many classes as you can handle to make up for lost time and you can knock out a 4-year degree in three years. i warn you, though, that will nearly kill you. if you don't care as much about missed time, go at your regular pace. when it comes to medical school, no one is going to care about your high school career, only your college career. make good grades and take a challenging diversity of courses with a major in one of the heavier sciences. not to knock being a doctor, but we already have sooo many of those that they're actually going to find work overseas. are there no other fields you're interested in? if it's the money you want, there might be less cliche ways of getting it.
You can become a doctor if you want to Shawn. There are all sorts of reasons for not doing well in high school on your first go round....bad attitude on your part, bad school, crap at home....can be anything. Hell, many gifted kids get kept back, bored, quit school and get their high school diplomas in different ways. They don't do well in school because they're bored to death. There can be all sorts of good reasons and believe me, colleges, med schools etc. look fondly on adults who've changed their ways or attitudes. I've got a friend who got his high school diploma followed by a college degree and a masters in education as an adult when he found out he had attention deficit disorder which was incorrectly diagnosed as depression which was the consequence of his problem, not the cause. THe past is just that....water under the bridge. Learn what lessons you can from it then wash your hands of it. Your post and your questions are mature and honest ones and you've got a great attitude. Don't beat yourself up forever for screwing up a bit ... that is a cycle that follows you to the grave. Pat yourself on the back, tell yourself that you sort of fuc*** up for a bit but that you've got your act together now which you do. YOu have my congratulations....when you congratulate yourself and credit yourself for a job well done, you'll do an even better one but beat yourself up for nothing and you'll accomplish nothing. Take it from a 54 year old guy who got his ass kicked out of school on more than one occasion LOL! EDIT: Auslander is right about there being too many doctors but as a guy with certain disabilities and as a chronic pain patient, GOOD doctors who listen to their patients are rare. For the average patient with average health problems, the average doctor suits his need nicely; but as a guy with disabilities and a great deal of pain as a matter or course, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the "good" doctor is a rare thing and I am indeed grateful to the one I've got. I've got to remember to tell him that one of these days. He truly is the pearl amoung the many swine with god complexes.
Einstein only failed a few elementary classes, and that's because he didn't pay attention. He was busy with his own things. He was a 'teacher's pet' in high school and college. Seen it on a show about how his 'beautiful' theory is wrong. Quite interesting I must say.
I have no idea. Our schooling is different then the US. We go 1st to 6th (Primary School) 7th to 12th (High School) then onto Uni (If you want or get high enough scores)
with a GED, you *can* get into a 4 year college. here's what i recommend, though: get your GED, then go to a community college to knock out your general education credits. this will be much cheaper and help you out in the long run. transfer to a 4-year school (easy as long as you keep your grades up), then work your tail off in a pre-med major. then you should be accepted to a good med school, no problems.
I can only offer one piece of advice, Try and try, do not get disheartened, and do not make compromises, you know what you want, DO NOT STOP until you get it.
You know me too well Correcting your Post: Best Advice I have given in the safety valve. Check the Motorola forums and PC forums for more! Good to see you again Auslander.... I'm gonna lurk now.
shaun im with u i go to the best most expensive private catholic high school in minnesota. but before i was diagnosed with extreme bipolar disorder i failed out of every class i never got a grade higher than a d+ now with colleges looking at me it has already been said there is no way i can get enough credits so i'm gonna have to stay in high school for another year
my problem was.....i started so good in freshman A'S...and than...i started making friends and made more friends...i started cutting with them.....i was so used 2 cutting with them i cut throughout the whole year....even if im alone sometimes..i used 2 cut....and now 2 years back from graduating....and i go 2 night school..i take night classes...but i knw wht ill become..and i wont...put my self back....ill keep trying and just trying until i real 2 my goal....and actually have a career...
i'm rooting for you, shawn. if you ever need homework help, you wouldn't be the first to come here asking for it...several have done so in recent months.. fact, i think i was the first, about a year and a half ago. ^.^
@sean....seems you've disected all this quite thoroughly. YOu know what went wrong and you know how to fix it. You're not a doctor yet but your ability to diagnose is remarkable. You'll do great guy!
that's because you could have found most of what you need for the Scarlet Letter on wikipedia. i'm referring more to math and creative thinking-related activities.
Indeed, Shawn isn't going to become a doctor by asking people to do his homework for him but I at least sent you the link to those quotes because I too was lazy in high school ... yes, that's the truth auslander, I was a lazy HS student, did ok in college though. Philosophy and theology were such great majors! So practical! I'm a regular well and wealth of useless infomation but agere sequitur esse, if you'll forgive an ontological jaunt at such an ungodly hour.