hi, i have a hl-dt-st dvd-ram gsa-h54l from lg and it only reads cd-r's i cant get it to read dvd's or burn any in that case. Is there anyone that can help me with this problem? thanks in advance
what are you using to burn and read? try to update the firmware it sounds like windows has registered it wrong, updating the firmware usually correct those issues
right click on my computer>properties>hardware tab>device manager> and find what name it give you drive post that here and well find your firmware -tripplite
well from what my computer is saying, its a HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H54L - FW 1.00 - ATAPI. if you can help to get it to work in anyway i will be inturnaly greatful.
LOOK HERE FOR THE UPDATED FIRMWARE http://us.lgservice.com/index_b2c.jsp your drives name is: GSA-H54L http://us.lge.com/products/model/de...optical drives_optical drives_GSA-H54LI.jhtml if that doesn't work stick with me i got some other tricks -tripplite
hate to say it but i tried all of that and its still at fw 1.00 btw do you have some kind of messager so i dont have to wait to refresh the page?
if you want my AIM send me a pm and i'll gladly hand it over 2 you but for reference reasons i post here re; what software are you trying to burn/read with? now lets reinstall your drivers and see if that helps pls boot into safe mode -------------------------------------- BOOT INTO SAFE MODE (JUST DO IT!!) 1)Start>My computer> right click >properties 2)hardware tab 3)device manager 4)CD-ROM/DVD drives (names will differ) right click uninstall drive 5) restart into windows 6)upon login you will prompted to install new hardware if not go start>control panel> (make sure your in category view, left hand corner box to enable this)> "Printers and other hardware" >left hand corner "Add hardware", not "ADD PRINTER" once done you may reboot or not ------------------------------------ -tripplite
ya reread i said that if it doesn'tt you do the control panel, so what software are you using to burn/read? -tripplite
my computer reads that there is a dvd drive there in my computer. the thing is that every time i put a dvd game or just a normal dvd the computer tries to read it for a few min.s and tell me there isnt anything there but it reads cds fine.