First off I'd like to thank you folks because while reading and searching "first" I read a few other folks questions and the answers have been very helpful. The good folks on here also mentioned and anydvd and clonedvd. I used it and it worked like a charm! Now, please allow me this one time newbie error and ask a probably already asked question. (i work in a hospital and my reading and search time is very limited) At home I have for my pc a Liteon 16X dvd+r/=rw drive dvd=/-r dl(doble layer) I installed it and used the anydvd and clone dvd software and it works great on my pc but on my home dvd player it cannot read my freshly burned DVD.(I have a feeling its old) Can you folks point me in the direction to a good home dvd player that will read this burned DVD? I am not worried about cost I just wanna be able to sit back and see them on my flat screen instead of my pc monitor. Thank you very much for taking the time to help me. And again this is a great website and great people here. And if I can help you please ask!
before buying a player..... what disks are you buring to? Are you using quality media? And you can make your +R media more compatible to players if you booktype your media to DVD-ROM.
My disks are Memorex DVD+R 16x Are you using quality media? (I believe I am ) And you can make your +R media more compatible to players if you booktype your media to DVD-ROM. (that went right over my head) hahaha sorry I am a physician and have no clue what you just described) my apologies Ihoe. Can you give it to me in baby talk?(please?) lol In my clonedvd software I see dvd-ram not dvd-rom,
ok..... first off Memorex is called Memosux around here...... it's low grade media at best! here is a media guide for you: to find out what you manufacturer ID is for your media, use programs like DVDInfo Pro, Nero InfoTool, or this free program, DVDIdentifier: Rule of thumb: get the [bold]Made In Japan[/bold] disks and you can't go wrong.... Verbatim is the only exception to this rule.... they are made in Taiwan/Singapore which are top notch media! Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Maxell, Sony, Fuji are top notch, MIJ! booktyping, read this: download DVDDecrypter here: this will help you! enjoy'!
Thanks Ihoe, I will do some more reading on your posts and suggestions. (i do have the dvd decrypter already and the dvd shrink) but found it a bit hard to use, thats why i went with anydvd software.
well here are some guides for you: enjoy!
Gotta give Ihoe his props, followed the guides and finally after two nights of no sleep and like 10 Ibuprofens later I finally figured out how to decrypt and shrink and burn and even learned how to booktype and convert that to a dvd-rom format.(I know I am way behind the times haha) You guys are the best! A million thanks!
you welcomel, but I learned from many people here and I'm just passing on the same knowledge that they gave me! The Props go to all in Afterdawn that pass on the info to all who ask for it! Welcome to Afterdawn!
Ihoe, can you send me a list(or website) of home dvd players you recommend that are up to date with the software that will read any burned dvd? Or pm me is fine. Thank you Sir! ( i figured I might as well buy a new one anyway, my other one is a few years old lol)