I have search and connot find someone who has successfully made DVD's from home videos. I have an ATI AIW Radeon AGP video card and input my Hi8 video onto my HDD. I have the full version of Roxio to burn to DVD-R. I have made frisbees, but not movies. The video looks great from my HDD, but after burning to DVD, it is grainy and whited out. Does anyone have a step by step "non techno jargon" instructions as to how I can do this?
so easy 3 click steps sonic dx i can send u the program if u want email if u want it with instruc to noFuckingEmails@here.com
natwest, You need to read the forum rules before posting again. Do not post your e-mail addy. Do not promote piracy here by offering to send people programs.
Orthoguy, You may want to give TMPGEnc a shot. It's a very good transcoder and fairly simple to use. Here's a link to an "AVI to DVD" guide: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/convert_avi_to_dvd.cfm
Nerovision Express will do what you want, it will also let you create a working menu for your video. It comes with Nero Ultra 6 which you can get for 49.95(well worth it, it has a ton of other apps too)at eagletronics, normally costs 99.00. One thing, you'll probably need to get rid of Roxio because more likely than not it will conflict with Nero and cause problems, they fight like cats and dogs. I agree with F1Drake, I don't think a lot of roxio either.
Nephilim/bigorange/f1drake, I've been gone, so sorry for the delay. Should I be saving my Hi8 to AVI rather than Mpeg2 on my HDD? I'll look at that program Nephilim. Time to dump Roxio and get the latest Nero. Thanks all... Orthoguy