Ok i tried to hotswap last night..But i had no luck, ive hotswap before years ago and it worked but now it want... When i go to my disc manager the xbox hard drive comes up but when i go to device manger it does not show... When i ope xplorer360 it says can't open FAtx drive...I installed the drivers on my pc for for my xbox360 memory card so i can get gamesaves from other people but the drivers i installed where not from the disc it was from off the internet cause that was the only was to do it.. so i could use my memory card in xploer360..do you think these drivers could effect my pc detecting my xbox hard drive...What i do it i boot my pc it automatically goes to the screen were it says F1 to continue..its done that ever since i hotswap from the years ago..well anyway when it goes to the pause screen.. i then turn on my xbox and when the big X appears along with the microsoft logo i dissconect the ide cable from the xbox..and plug my pc secondary ide cable to it as fast as i can.. i then continue to boot on my pc then when i ope xplorer360 it says cant open Fatx... please help if this does not work my only option is to burn AID 4.0 installer to a dvd-r and creat an iso image but that stuff is so hard for me....I have another question also i will be moving in about a week my xbox will have no place to go for awhile accept storage for about 2 weeks will it mess up since when the xbox goes without power for 4 hours it looks for a dashboard mines sorda does not have a dashboard so when i get my xbox out of storage will it boot to an error screen..and will i still be able to use a bootable disc on it?..
I hear that it's better for hotswapping to have windows running, then plug the drive in and use 'Scan for Hardware changes' in device manager.