Hey guy, this may sound kinda noob but.... I have my xbox all connected to my PC and such, and I downloaded evox, now i have no idea how to install it, or what partition, etc. Xplorer360 is opened and ready to go. here are the files i got in my evox download: Bios(folder) Skin(folder) Trainers(Folder) evox.ini evoxdash.xbe trainers source.zip (plus some misc nfo and txt files) so what do i do with this stuff? what partition do i install it to?
No, I haven't done anything. I attached and READ the xbox HD with ym computer with xplorer360, backed it all up.... then didn't know what to do. I dont know how to get anything onto it, or what program(IE evox) to install. Can anyone send me the appropriate links? I was following this guide:
I've already clicked your sig and read. problem is, i seem to be unable to hotswap. the first time i did it, i used like 6 versions of xplorer306 and only beta 4 worked. I tried again and non worked, not even that "french" one i read about in another guide. I accidentally shut it off without replacing the cable and the box still works fine. to me, from what i understand, this means i never unlocked the drive in the first place! To unlock it, don't i just halt my comp from booting at bios, turn on xbox and replace ide cable after the "microsoft" thing appears with the big green X logo? I also tried letting it sit for 10 mins. no go.
Yeah, this is regular Xbox. Why are you hotswapping? You need to Softmod, i'm assumong that's you final goal (play backups, stream media, etc...)
Yes that is my goal but: A: No memory card and i dont want to buy one B: I 'MAY' have a copy of one of the games, and if i dont, im not buying one. I was told this is the only way to softmod for free. haha.
A) You don't need a memory card, you can use a USB Thumbdrive\Stick B) Borrow or hire the needed game C) Don't be such a tightarse, $5 to mod or $70 a game...
I don't have a choice on the tightarse part lol. Car accident earlier this year that nearly killed me = unemployed At college = No money. hahaha well, I have a USB key... and apparently I have the executable for action replay. I have the splinter cell game, I know it is really scratched though (got from a friend) and it freezed at parts of the game but im pretty sure the main menu will work. How can I accomplish this with my USB key?? I dont see a USB port on the xbox
There's a tutorial I wrote, you need to make an adapter, it's really easy! Click on my signature and follow the links!
Ok thanks, that was helpful but I notice on this USB compatibility list that mine isn't there: This is whats on the list: San Disk cruzer mini 32 MB This is what I have (not on the list): San Disk cruzer mini 512 MB Is this an issue? Will the capacity really make a difference?
You'll notice that at the bottom of that tutorial I have started a 'Confirmed' list! Try yours and then post the results to let us add you to the list! It should work though, others have used the 1Gb version! I might add though, a 'Confirmed NOT working' is only 'Confirmed' after another USB has been proven to work on your system. A simple "It doesn't work" will not suffice!