Under DOS 6.22 and 386 comp CPU, you need an assembler program (like TASM - Turbo Assembler), then use the corresponding command line syntax, usually found in a txt file with it, and then you will get back an exe/com file, or an erro mesage. Also you have to use a corresponding header, diferent from one assembler version from another. Same things with all: you have to set cs and ds. Usually you set cs in the head, and ds in the first code line. Example for TASM syntax - small program, wait for a key using DOS interrupts then exit: Code: kilep segment assume cs:kilep start: mov ax,kilep ;|ds regiszter be llŤt sa a szegmens elej‚re mov ds,ax ;| xor ax,ax ;|billenty–v r s int 16H ;| mov ax,4c00H ;|kil‚p‚s int 21H ;| kilep ends end start comment: it doesn't use variables, so it doesent use ds, the setting is just a formal thing here.