I was hoping to get some input on this burner. The Best Buys in my area are closing them out for $89 (internal).
From all I've heard, they're very good. Very pricey though, even at that "closeout" price I could buy two NEC or Pioneer drives and a spindle of Verbatims, and maybe still have a little change left over.
I can't remember exactly where i saw this in AD but the 750 is in fact a rebadged Benq/teac drive,in other words,it's not made by Plextor itself.The 760A as well as the 716 are real Plextor drives.So if you're gonna pay $89 for that drive which is in fact a rebadged Benq/Teac drive,why not buy a real Benq drive which is less than $40 if you make some research.You can easily get 2 Benq drives for that same amount of money.The Benq 1650 and 1655(lightscribe capable)are very good drives but if you're looking only for a Plextor drive,then go for the 760A,it's quite expensive but at least you get the real one. Vincent.
And on top of it you can probably flash the Benq drive to make it think it's a Plextor. It works with some drives anyway.
Thanks very much for all the info. Are the 716s still available? I have read several posts saying they are great.
Sure the 716S is a great drive,as i've said earlier this model comes directly from Plextor itself,not a rebadged one.The 716S is still available in some places though it's becoming more and more scarce may be due to the fact that Plextor has stopped production of the 716A(which is the IDE version) and people will get the 716S(SATA version).However i guess the price for the 716S will be quite very high because of it's high reputation/top quality/durability and scarcity and also because of it's SATA connection(which is said in some cases to be better than IDE for it's quicker access time). Vincent.