I've searched the forums but not found something that works yet. I have an hour-long HD TiVo recording that I've downloaded using TivoToGo. It's about 5 GB and I want to share a 3 minute clip with someone. What would folks recommend as the easiest way to clip and save that 3 minutes segment. I tried using VirtualDub with the MPEG2 Plugin but after clipping and trying to save to AVI it was coming out to be a massive file. I'm an absolute VirtualDub novice, so it could be there's a much better way of doing it in that program. So can someone either recommend a good sequence of actions to take in VirtualDub, or else perhaps another program that will effectively clip or edit MPEG2 files? Thanks!
If you are using VirtualDub to save as AVI, are you selecting a compressor (Video => Full Processing Mode => Compression, then select one of the installed codecs - XviD or DivX if available). Full Processing is the default setting and if you don't choose a codec, you get uncompressed (huge files).