I am using Nero and it takes 2 hours to burn a fricking movie. Is there a way to skip the process when Nero previews the whole movie??? There has to be a program that burns that fast!
When Nero previews the movie, what it is actually doing is encodeing or compressing the movie to fit onto a sinle layer disc. You have to do this in order to make a backup unless you want to spend the extra money for DL discs, in which case you can skip this step. Nero Recode is about the fastest encoder of it's kind right now so unfortunately you are limited to the speed of your computers processor. You can try and backup just the movie only, removing the menus and special features etc. to reduce your compression, thus reduceing the encode time.
You still have to convert it to a DVD compliant format, it just takes time. You can try VSO's ConvertXtoDVD, it's a pretty good conversion tool...better than Nero, but as far as faster I'm not sure. The trial version will leave a watermark on your backup. Like I said, you are limited to the performance of your puter...no matter what the program you are using.
I'm with buddy LOCOENG here. You either need to use Nero Vision 4 or VSO ConvertXToDVD. And yes anywhere from 2 - 4 hrs of transcoding or converting from AVI to DVD is normal.