Hi - I have downloaded an application and find an info file which windows can't read, together with 2 small "cue" files (about 1 mb each) and 2 large "bin" files none of which windows XP recognises. They are not supposed to be image files. How can I open them and run the application? Thanks for your help
The nfo file is not a MS whatever file that windows thinks it is. You can open it with notepad or use a proper nfo viewer. 1mb cue files? Shouldn't be anywhere near that big since they just contain small amounts of text. They are image files. You can mount them with daemon-tools or similar and then install off of it like a regular CD or extract the contents with ISOBuster or similar.
Use A120: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/alcohol120.cfm Alcohol has a 30 day trial. Open A120 -> choose burn wizard -> browse for cue.1 -> burn it. do the same for cue.2
For the NFO file, right click on it and select "open with", then scroll down to word pad, click on it, and you can read the document. Flip is right, alcohol is a great program to burn those files. Alcohol also has a virtual drive that you can mount the image on. Once mounted on the virtual drive, double click on "my computer", find the drive with the mounted image, right click, and select open. you can then see the files.
LOL, it wont. thought the fella was askina bout a cue and bin 'movie' disregard my above comment esteban03. ha
Hiya - yes, thanks a million for all your help. But, yes, the files are supposed to be an "application" (Roxio)which has been tied up, for some reason, in "cue" and "bin" format and I need to convert to something to be able to run Roxio. Sorry for my original explanation of the prob.and hope this is reasonably clear.