I have downloaded movies and successfully burned them on to dvd using magicISO.However the picture is always in letterbox mode and i have to use the zoom facility to use the full tv screen. Is there any software available to edit the iso file so it does it automatically??
I don't think it can be done automatically, but it's odd that all of these iso's seem to be 4:3 (so the player shows the video in letterbox). If the iso is loaded into Magic ISO and the VIDEO_TS folder is opened, drag VTS_o1_1.VOB onto 'GSpot' and check the aspect ratio. It's on the right side/centre of the panel http://www.headbands.com/gspot/v26x/GSpot270a.zip This one is 4:3
Thanks for the reply - does gspot allow me to change the aspect ratio or just show me its current format??? Ive had a little look at it but cant figure it out - Thanks!
GSpot only shows information. This image shows a video with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (circled green). Do your ISO files show as 4:3 or 16:9 ?