Problem How do I autoloop an MP4 on a CD or DVD?

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by HenryCan, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. HenryCan

    HenryCan Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    I'm trying to help a friend who is getting married in a few days. He has had a video of his courtship with his fiancee made; it is in MP4 format. He wants to put it on a CD, DVD or USB stick, connect it to his big screen TV, and have that video loop infinitely during the reception. I think he is trying to avoid having his laptop connected to the TV and leaving it unattended for several hours.

    Can anyone tell me how to make an MP4 autoloop if it is on CD, DVD or USB stick?

    It's very easy to make a video on a web page autoloop but I don't know how to do what he's asking. I'm GUESSING some little generic program like a batch file sits outside the MP4 file and points to it. When you start the generic program, you have a choice of which MP4 gets played (in case there several), then have a choice to play it once, a fixed number of times, or continuously. Or maybe the controls that dictate whether the file is played once, a fixed number of times or continuously is built-in to the authoring program for the MP4.

    However it's done, I'd appreciate some guidance on the best way to do this.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    A DVD movie can be made to loop when played from a standalone DVD player .
    A video converted to DVD format and authored as a simple movie with no menu can be made to loop using PgcEdit to change the navigation.

    In this image, the Title's last action is a 'post command' saying 'Exit' - this stops playback.

    This image, the post command takes the navigation back to the First Play action - restarts the movie playback.

    That's all I got.
  3. HenryCan

    HenryCan Member

    Mar 17, 2012
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    Thank you VERY much for taking the time to answer so promptly and even provide screenshots!

    I hope you can answer some followup questions.

    You say that a DVD movie can be made to loop on a standalone DVD player then proceed to describe how to make a DVD movie autoloop. Am I correct in assuming that ALL of your answer refers to a single approach to my question? Or are you saying that there are two approaches, one that involves autolooping a file on a standalone DVD player, which you cover in your first sentence, and another approach that involves converting the movie to DVD(-Video) format and then using pgcEdit to control the playing of the movie? I'm guessing that your whole reply elaborates on a SINGLE technique to do what I need to do. Is that right?

    Second, assuming that you are proposing that I convert the MP4 to DVD-Video, can you suggest a good program for the job, something that works on Windows 8.1?

    Third, I am completely baffled by how to make pgcEdit control the DVD movie on a standalone DVD player. The screen shots make pgcEdit look very much like a standard Windows program. I'm pretty sure a standalone DVD player does not run Windows. How then do I install and launch pgcEdit on the standalone player to tell it to autoloop the movie?? Or are you proposing pgcEdit as the tool to author the movie in such a way as to make it autoloop on the DVD?
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    If you want to use a standalone DVD player connected to a TV to play a looped video, the source material (in this case an mp4 file) must first be converted to DVD movie format.
    I use the portable version of AVStoDVD to convert and author DVD movies.
    Since the new DVD movie has to be modified using PgcEdit, the output from AVStoDVD is saved to a DVD folder (i.e not immediately burned to disk).
    On the top ToolBar, click 'Output' and from the drop down menu, 'DVD Folder Structure'.
    Note that you are outputting a simple DVD, so don't elect to create a menu.

    Assuming that the output folder has been created, download and run PgcEdit (free).
    Click 'File' > 'Open DVD' and browse to the 'VIDEO_TS' folder containing the new DVD movie files.
    Highlight VIDEO_TS and 'OK' which should load the movie with no error message.
    On the left pane, locate and highlight 'Title 1'.
    On the right pane, locate the 'post commands' - the single post command should be '1 Exit'.
    Double click on 'Exit' to enter the Command Editor.
    Click 'Jump to' > 'First-Play PGC' >'CallSS-FP'>'OK' this returns to the main screen.
    The post command should now be changed.
    Click 'File'>'Save DVD' and exit.


    You can test the operation using a decent media player like MPC.
    If satisfied, burn the VIDEO_TS folder to DVD using the likes of ImgBurn or your favourite program.
  5. tictoksol

    tictoksol Member

    Sep 15, 2014
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    recommend a dvd burning too for you - winx dvd author.


    1. put a blank disc into your computer DRM, open dvd burner and click video dvd author and add your .mp4 video to this burner
    2. do some dvd menu, chapter, background music etc. settings
    3. output details settings like folder, format and encoder. all things being done, start the burnning
  6. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Hello Attar:
    Out of topic questions, but related to this threat.

    - It is a way to convert the mp4 file in to a DVD file. Then Author it.
    - Can I edit the volume level with AVStoDVD ?

    Thx. in advance.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  7. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    would pay to copy paste media info on the file in question however give audiocoder a run it's capable of audio extraction & normalizing,i've only recently started using it & so far i've just extracted & converted dvd audio from joined vobs,i see no reason why it can't extract audio streams direct from mp4 chances are audacity can as well

    carried over from other thread
    join vob file tool - use on dvd's to join all vobs then extract audio with audio coder ,works excellant

    audiocoder 32 & 64bit comes in portable versions & is capable of extracting audio from vids

    dvd audio extractor can't tell you where to get it *winks*
  8. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Not exactly sure what you have in mind.

    AviDemux can edit mp4.

    AviDemux can demux the audio (typically AAC) and it can be burned as data to a CD - but it wont be an 'audio cd'.
    Something like FooBar can convert/author it to audio CD format.
    AviDemux can also save the audio as 44100 PCM and ImgBurn can use the file to create an audio CD (as long as the running time is ok, 70 mins?)

    To convert mp4 to DVD format and author/burn to DVD, use AVStoDVD - it includes ImgBurn.

    Not easily unless you are familiar with AviSynth scripts.
  9. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    @ scorpNZ
    Thx. for the info.

    @ attar

    I'm playing with mp4 music videos, but some songs have a medium or low volume level due to the mp4 files are to small or the frame-rate is to low too.
    This affect the video, but the most important for me now is the volume level, witch I want to stabilize on all those mp4 files before I collect & burn them into a CD or DVD.

    Thx. for the reply
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  10. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    An audio editor like Audacity can load the audio portion of an mp4 (it opens the mp4 and selects the audio track) and allow you to adjust the levels then export a new audio file (it won't output video) - you would have to remux the new audio stream to the existing video.
    That is simple enough with MkvMerge (you load the existing mp4 file, deselect the existing audio and add the new audio) to create an MKV file - there's no re-encoding so it's very fast.

    I think you would do better to post at the VideoHelp site inasmuch as it has an active audio forum and may be able to offer better suggestions.
  11. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Thx. for the info.

    Yesterday I try: AVStoDVD
    The resulted VTS file looks like analyzed & encoded already. [ DVD Flick give you a DVD file more rouge. ]

    I also trick AVStoDVD a little:
    - Options > Preferences...>Video [NTSC] |
    > DVD Audio BitRate [256kbps] from 192kbps. But the final DVD files stay on 192kbps they never go up.
    > Normalize Audio [check] @ 1.00
    > Save current Preferences as default [check]
    > restart the program.

    Then my test:
    Choose some very small mp4 file (8.20MB) medium size (50MB) and big size mp4 file (101MB)
    I also choose files with high volume level & low volume level. Give it on previous test using DVDFlick

    I get better results.
    - The high volume level files come out with less volume probably 20%
    -The low volume level files come out with more volume also around 20%
    -The medium volume level files come out around the same.
    -The frames per second stay the same, except that the small files end up with 23fps from 12fps (Pic & Audio only) inside the mp4 (I call them mp4 Audio with a photo in stead of a video).

    I like:
    The audio conversion: AAC LC - 96kbps VBR 44100Hz --> to --> AC3 - 192kbps CBR 48000Hz
    The video conversion: AVC - 680kbps - 640x360- DAR --> to --> MPEG2 - 8500kbps - 720x480 -DAR

    After this I will:
    - Edit the video clips: catting the intro & outtro that some videos have. making the video file more like a CD "frame" --> "Instant" start & end ...for easy cue-ing.
    Some intros are great and I will save them all together as A/V effects to start a party's, etc.

    I gonna live behind the mp4 files.
    ...and play with the VTS - DVD file to:
    Author the Video & correct the volume level on some of those files.

    Can I remux the new audio stream give it by AVStoDVD to the existing video.
    using ________ program ?

    Thx. in advance.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  12. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    If the ultimate format is DVD, then AVStoDVD can replace the audio.
    Highlight the title audio, right click and select 'Audio Track' .
    You can add and delete audio streams.
  13. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Thx. for the lesson, we learn a lot!

    Also Thx. to _MrC_ author- developer of AVStoDSVD reach it at

    I'm learning how to author with this program.

    One last question:
    Few Videos (widescream) have a watermark inside the top or bottom black-bars.
    - It is a way to take them off from the short video ?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  14. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    My best guess is that I ask for a "Tall-orden" on this one.
    But I found out an answer:

    After I play and edit mp4's with AviDemux. It seams to me that the mp4 file still "rogue = raw" just like the product you get after using DVDFlick.
    I also play and edit with AVStoDVD witch is better since the file you get after convert the mp4 to DVD file is encode twice by AVStoDVD. But the edit part is kind of "hard to manage" since many times the Video & Audio Un-synchronize themself while editing.

    I found a better option to edit the ultimate DVD format, made by AVStoDVD with DVD-Shrink.
    1.- I trick DVDShrink a little to accept flawless the video give by AVStoDVD while editing.
    Edit > Preferences... > Preview > Select directX video renderer: [select any other that the System Default Renderer --> I Choose: Build-in Software Renderer] > OK > Restart DVDShrink.
    2.- I also trick AVStoDVD for better "triple" encoding: Via app. Creator/Author
    Title > Edit title > [Uncheck] Auto AviSynth Script > Enhance > [Check] HQDN3D > OK > Restart.

    For what I'm doing, editing thousands of small videos:
    DVDShrink is easy and fast to edit one file after another (usually around 35 music videos per DVD) until the Green-bar is around 4,430MB just like the Movies & ready to roll & burn.

    AVStoDVD flexibility to switch mp4 Audio files only, before or after double encoding capability. It's a very useful tool for what I'm doing.
    - Dump the low volume Audio file from a "bad & raw" mp4 and replaced for a better one. Usually replaced for one of those I call mp4 Audio (same song); Synchronize them & that's it.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2014
  15. Mrguss

    Mrguss Regular member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    I'm working with Audacity:
    Mux out the audio stream from the mp4, to make adjustments in the volume &/or add filtering to it.
    ...Then mux it back in with the video, before encoding with AVStoDVD. By switching the bad audio stream for the new one, already edited by Audacity.

    I will try Audiocoder next.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014

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